Some vital signs and symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases, and one of the major causes of death all over the world. This is why it is so important to have sufficient knowledge on how to detect and recognizes the sings of this health problem, in order to save your life. People that have a history of diabetes in their families should be more vigilant and extra careful about it.

Diabetes is a major disease, and the sooner you detect it, the easier it will be to treat it. As soon as you realize that you have a potential threat from this disease, schedule an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible.

Given below are some of the common symptoms of Diabetes:

Sudden weight loss: This is obviously not a healthy sign. If you notice that you have suddenly dropped more than ten pounds consult a doctor immediately. If you feel that you are not trying to lose weight, yet losing it at a rapid speed, get to your doctor and have yourself checked. Although it may not be a sure shot sign that you are a diabetic, yet it can be a big signal. This sign is more common in type 1 of diabetes, while in type 2 diabetes weight loss is not very much noticeable. Although you may find out that your weight loss was eventually nothing serious, it is best to be cautious.

Frequent urination: This can be a major sign of diabetes. If your urge to urinate has increased, much more than usual, then you must get help from a doctor and get the best diabetes treatment if you are found to be diabetic. Although the reason for frequent urination urge can be because of some other reason, it alone does not count for a sure-shot symptom.

Extreme and uncontrolled thirst: If you notice that you are feeling thirsty more frequently than usual and cannot quench if even after drinking lots of water, it can mean that you are a potential diabetic.

Blurred vision: Diabetes can harm your vision. If you experience regular vision problems and face difficulty in seeing things, contact a doctor immediately.

Numbness: Numbness in any part of your body which is not going away even after some time, though it may be due to some other health issue, it could be a sign of diabetes.

Fatigue: This is one of the major symptoms. A feeling of tiredness and lethargy is a vital sign. A person feeling weak all the time should get his health checked.

Having the proper knowledge of this life threatening disease can be a life saver. So always keep a check on your health to fight this evil.

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