Symptoms of Cardiometabolic Diseases and their preventive measures

Obesity, diabetes and other health issues related to cardiovascular disease have become of major concern in the US, and the world.

Not every heart disease is the same. The causes, symptoms, effects vary greatly and it includes factors such as: age, medical history, family’s medical history, life style, eating habits and level of physical activity.

Cardiometabolic disorders are the result of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic risk factors. It is a relatively new term, also known as metabolic syndrome or Reaven’s syndrome.

If you think you may be at a risk of this, you should be aware of the symptoms and signs that relate to it. The important ones are:

  • A drastic increase in blood sugar levels
  • High blood pressure
  • Increase in the level of uric acid in the blood
  • Decrease in the amount of good cholesterol (High Density Lipids)
  • Accumulation of fat, mainly around the belly and waist
  • Raised triglycerides

In addition, a condition known as Fatty Liver may be observed, wherein triglyceride fat vacuoles accumulate in the liver cells.

Non-alcoholic related fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is another possible consequence. The steatosis (fat cells) that often deposit in the liver are due to the consumption of alcohol, but in NAFLD, they are of a non-alcoholic nature.

Acanthosis nigricans is also a possibility.

The best way to avoid the situation from becoming more complicated is by seeking the intervention of a qualified cardiologist.

There are some general preventive measures that will allow you to keep your heart in good shape like; maintaining a healthy life style.

  • First of all, you are what you eat. Reduce the amount of fat and cholesterol you consume, by removing fatty foods and deep fried snacks, off the menu. Reduce the amount of carbs you eat everyday, by cutting down on sugar and bread.
  • You should exercise at least 12 times in a month, and preferably for five or six times in a week. Depending on your age and body type, the nature of the exercises may vary. Light exercises are ideal for the elderly, women and the overweight.
  • Smoking and excessive drinking are also detrimental. If you are facing a serious issue of substance abuse, drug abuse or alcoholism, you ought to visit a de-addiction facility right away.
  • If you are already taking medication for heart disease, make sure to continue taking your pills regularly. A break in the cycle can be more damaging than you think. A casual approach is unacceptable in this case.

One should understand Cardiometabolic disorders comprehensively in order to prevent them. The mere knowledge about its indicators and preventive measures can also go a long way in addressing them.

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How to address a cardiovascular disease!

Genetics and lifestyle play an important role in determining one’s proneness to heart diseases.In case your body begins to exhibit signs and symptoms of any heart problems, then it is very important that you start checking for things like; what kind of foods do you eat and how much you exercise.

The main symptoms of heart diseases include the following:

  • Shortness of breath: If you are experiencing shortness of breath, that is if you find yourself gasping for air, can’t breather properly while; walking climbing stairs or just lying on your back, then you might be at a risk of cardiac (or lung) disorders. This may be an indication of a valvular heart disease or a pericardial disease.
  • Fatigue or over sleepiness: Narcolepsy is the name of a condition where you crave for sleep, even during the day. This, in addition to restlessness during sleep can be an indication of a heart failure or other heart conditions. It should be noted, that this could also be due to some other health conditions. The protocol here is to get a comprehensive medical check-up.
  • Fainting/unconsciousness: Syncope or sudden loss of consciousness might not necessarily be life threatening. In fact, there are three other major possible causes on syncope apart from cardiac that is neurologic, metabolic and vasomotor.
  • Lightheadedness/Dizziness: When the heart is not able to perform its functions to the fullest, lightheadedness, dizziness or consequently confusion can be noticed in the concerned person.
  • Palpitations: Palpitations, generally refers to an oddly high awareness of one’s own heartbeat. Irregular heartbeat is a result of arrhythmia. In this condition, the patient may notice skipping of his heartbeat, or an accelerated heartbeat.
  • Chest Pain: Discomfort in the heart, is perhaps the most prominent symptom of a heart disease. This includes, pressure, choking sensation, numbness, choking, etc. The occurrence can be frequent, rare or very random.

The main types of Cardiovascular Disease are the following:

  • Coronary artery diseases-These are the most common types, and are regarded as the leading cause of heart attacks.
  • Coronary artery diseases are caused by the accumulation of plaque in the inner walls of the arteries.
  • Cardiomyopathy – Caused due to deteriorated heart muscles.
  • Hypertension –It is also known as high blood pressure. It has four major stages, that is, optimal, prehypertension, State 1 and stage2.
  • Endocarditis – Endocardium is the name of the inner layer of the heart. Its inflammation causes a disruption in the functioning of the heart as the structure intricately involves heart valves.
  • Cerebrovascular disease – This disease affects those blood vessels that supply blood to the brain.
  • Congenital heart disease – Malformation of the structure of the heart at birth.

Basic knowledge about Cardiovascular Disease, its symptoms, and how to treat them is a must for anyone who is prone to the same. You should increase your knowledge about this subject, in order to be prepared and know how to deal with any heart related issues.

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Understanding cardiovascular diseases a little better

Good cardiovascular health is the key to a healthy and fulfilling life. But unfortunately not everybody has a perfectly well functioning cardiovascular system.

The cardiovascular health of a person depends on a number of factors. The overall conditioning of the heart, the arteries, along with the thickness, purity and amount of blood circulating in the body, are the main determinants of this.

These depend on two main factors, which are; genetics and a person’s nurturing.

The nurturing part relies on a relatively simple approach. By the addition of a few simple routines to one’s lifestyle, one can go a long way in improving one’s cardiovascular health status.

These may be:

Stay physical: Exercise! If you can’t go to the gym, there are still other things you can do to stay active. Walk instead of taking the car. Take the stairs instead of the lift and so on.

  • Eat well: Fruits, Vegetables, whole grains are some of the things that are nutritionally rich and keep the arteries flushed.
  • Keep the unwanted at bay: Stay away from smoking and excessive drinking, as these also contribute to heart related problems.
  • Regulate the intake of cholesterol: Low density lipoprotein should be taken in more than High density lipoprotein, or simply regulate the intake of good and bad cholesterol.

These are the issues that a heart patient should take care of, on a personal level.

However it does not completely guarantee a heart-disease free life, as a lack of or improper incorporation of the above mentioned, coupled with the genetic causes can also lead to one of several kinds of heart conditions. Knowledge of cardiovascular disease facts is vital to any cardiologist.

Some of these diseases may be:

1. Coronary artery disease- Is when the arteries get blocked and are unable to supply blood to the cardiac muscles and the body. This eventually leads to coronary heart diseases.

2. Coronary heart diseases: When the cardiac muscles are not supplied with the sufficient amount of blood, they need for prober functioning.

3. Cardiomyopathy: This means a break in the proper functioning of the heart muscles. This is more common among the elderly, and is very fatal as it puts the patient at a risk of arrhythmia or even sudden death.

4. Arrhythmia: It is the heart disease related to an irregular heartbeat. The subject is prone to extreme sensitivity and cannot exert in exceeding amounts. It can be genetic.

5. Hypertensive heart diseases: These are related to the adverse effects of having high blood pressure

6. Valvular heart disease: Is the Diseases related to the dysfunction in one or more valves of the heart.

There are important cardiovascular disease facts, so be sure to rely on a trusty and through source for your information.

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All you need to know about cardiovascular diseases

The heart is one of the most vital organs of the human body. Its smooth functioning directly affects the overall wellness of the cardiovascular state of a person’s body.

The heart is considered the workhorse of the body, as it pumps and purifies blood non-stop from the day we are born till the moment we die. It is for this reason that the heart demands extra care and attention, and we are compelled to watch what we eat, how much we exercise, and provide an overall protection to our heart.

Cardiovascular diseases are the complicated diseases associated with the heart.

If we were ever to suffer from cardiovascular disease, the kind and quality of cardiovascular disease treatment has to be the best, and have the potency to keep all possible complications at bay.

These are the kind of diseases and complications, which fall under the category of cardio-vascular diseases:

  • Hypertension-Hypertension is related to the blood pressure of your blood stream. High blood pressure.
  • Heart Failure-When the heart fails to pumps blood, and skips one or more beats, it is called heart failure. This is one the most serious cardiovascular disorder there is.
  • Lipids Disorder-This is an inherited disease that is related to the metabolism of a person’s body. Lipids are fat soluble and when they accumulate in an excessive number; they can be fatal to the heart and body.
  • Bad or excessive cholesterol related diseases- There is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, the amount of which in our body is determined primarily by our eating habits. As the level of bad cholesterol increases, our heart’s performance becomes more and more limited.

Each of these diseases can be fatal if not attended promptly and carefully. To make sure one gets the best treatment, the research that a trained medical professional carries out should be through in the following regards:

  • Articles: Detailed descriptions of the techniques involved including important points and precautions. The entire procedure related to a certain technique is spanned out over seven pages, and up to twenty or more. Apart from the actual procedure performed as per the given guidelines, discussions and experiments are also included in this.
  • Reviews:  Reviews about the various researches done on a single topic in the past. A review is your source of all the available information on a certain topic.
  • Notes: Notes about techniques, nature of the disease, fatality of the disease, etc. Any findings of the past, weather distant or resent that may be considered crucial can also be added.

Cardiovascular disease treatment is a topic that demands care, attention and an eye for detail. The research done should be accurate and extensive.

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Why cardiovascular diseases are considered fatal?

Heart related problems are some of the most common health issues, which can lead to serious consequences and even death. Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the USA.

CHD or Coronary Heart Disease; is the narrowing of the small blood vessels, and it can lead to heart failure and heart attacks, and even cause death. This problem is more common among those people, who have a higher chance of coronary related issues. The main reason for this problem is because of the fatty substance or plaque that has been built in the arteries.

Arteries supply blood to the heart. When buildup of plaque happens, it starts narrowing down or blocking the arteries, slowing down the blood flow and oxygen to the heart, resulting in heart failure, which can lead to death.

In the following articles, we will discuss cardiovascular disease facts related to those two extreme medical conditions, in which a person is most likely to die.

Heart attacks:

This is a major medical situation. This problem happens when the flow of oxygen and blood to this organ is reduced or totally stopped. This happens when the arteries have become complete blocked with plaque. This results in death of cells. The longer the cardiovascular system survives without the supply of blood and oxygen, the more it becomes weaker and the cells keep on getting damaged. When the cells get damaged, the heart begins to beat erratically and irregularly. It may even stop completely. When that happens, immediate treatment should be provided; otherwise the chances of the patient dying become greater.

Heart failure:

Also known as congestive or chronic failure is the term used when the heart becomes too weak to pump enough blood and oxygen, to all the body organs.

Generally this medical condition is caused by CHD. However in some cases, it can also be congenital or may also occur in the womb. Some prior major illnesses can also be another reason for this problem. The only resort to cure this medical condition is to get a heart transplant. Failure to do so can result in the patient’s death.

This was a brief overview of the two major issues that are caused by coronary diseases. There are plenty of other useful information regarding the causes and treatment of cardiovascular problems. The more information you have about this medical aspect, the better you will be able to handle such emergency calls.

People suffering from one or other cardiac related conditions, has become a common sight. So if you want to know other important cardiovascular disease facts, you should read the health journals and search for online information.

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Some vital signs and symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases, and one of the major causes of death all over the world. This is why it is so important to have sufficient knowledge on how to detect and recognizes the sings of this health problem, in order to save your life. People that have a history of diabetes in their families should be more vigilant and extra careful about it.

Diabetes is a major disease, and the sooner you detect it, the easier it will be to treat it. As soon as you realize that you have a potential threat from this disease, schedule an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible.

Given below are some of the common symptoms of Diabetes:

Sudden weight loss: This is obviously not a healthy sign. If you notice that you have suddenly dropped more than ten pounds consult a doctor immediately. If you feel that you are not trying to lose weight, yet losing it at a rapid speed, get to your doctor and have yourself checked. Although it may not be a sure shot sign that you are a diabetic, yet it can be a big signal. This sign is more common in type 1 of diabetes, while in type 2 diabetes weight loss is not very much noticeable. Although you may find out that your weight loss was eventually nothing serious, it is best to be cautious.

Frequent urination: This can be a major sign of diabetes. If your urge to urinate has increased, much more than usual, then you must get help from a doctor and get the best diabetes treatment if you are found to be diabetic. Although the reason for frequent urination urge can be because of some other reason, it alone does not count for a sure-shot symptom.

Extreme and uncontrolled thirst: If you notice that you are feeling thirsty more frequently than usual and cannot quench if even after drinking lots of water, it can mean that you are a potential diabetic.

Blurred vision: Diabetes can harm your vision. If you experience regular vision problems and face difficulty in seeing things, contact a doctor immediately.

Numbness: Numbness in any part of your body which is not going away even after some time, though it may be due to some other health issue, it could be a sign of diabetes.

Fatigue: This is one of the major symptoms. A feeling of tiredness and lethargy is a vital sign. A person feeling weak all the time should get his health checked.

Having the proper knowledge of this life threatening disease can be a life saver. So always keep a check on your health to fight this evil.

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Heart care at its best!

Caring for the heart is something so involuntary, that you need to be doing it even without knowing. The heart is a very delicate and important part of your body, and you need to make sure that you follow a good plan of action, in order to maintain a perfect heart health.

Following this plan of action will help you stay healthy and fit:

Eat wisely: Eating the right food is essential, so that your body can be nourished with the best possible elements in order to provide you with the best health results. Keeping the heart healthy is not just you’re a choice, but a necessity. Eating green vegetables and fruits in plenty is important, so that your metabolism stays intact. This way you shall be able to keep your weight in check. When you ward off the risk of obesity, you will automatically be able to avoid a number of cardiometabolic disorders and disease facts. Eating at regular intervals is essential so that your body stays active and fresh, and the heart pumps blood to the body adequately.

Rest is essential: One needs to have the proper rest, so that everyday stress levels can be managed well. You may or may not find the time to relax; but you need to find some time out, so that you can rejuvenate yourself adequately.

Workout for a fit physique: You need to make sure that you work out every day, so that you can lay off the extra fat off your body. This shall help you fight a number of diseases such as diabetes, heart ailments and lipid disorder. Your workout routine doesn’t have to be the boring session in the gym. It can be interesting when you look for options such as aerobics and swimming. Not only are these one of the best ways to reduced your excess weight, but you can also keep yourself involved in something productive.

You need to do a good research, so that you can find the best cardiology doctors in the industry, which can be trusted for the best in healthcare. It is essential that you find suitable healthcare solutions. This research needs to be done with extra care, so that you can get a Doctor who is very knowledgeable and can help to keep you in the best health.

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Dietary and lifestyle changes for diabetes treatment

Diabetes has emerged as a major health concern amongst the world’s population. Here is a look at some shocking statistics provided by the International Diabetes Federation –

  • In 2011, there were more than 366 million people all around the world who had diabetes
  • Approximately 183million people are undiagnosed in the world for diabetes
  • 4.6million deaths occurred due to this problem in the same year
  • It is expected that the number of diabetic people will rise up to 552million by the year 2030
  • Every year 78,000 children develop insulin dependency or Type 1 diabetes

Regarding Diabetes statistics in America, you will be shocked to learn that there was a total expenditure of 465 billion US Dollars in the year 2011, on this medical problem alone. This accumulates to be 11% of the total healthcare expenditures in the country (for adults between the ages of 20-79).

Now isn’t this a scary picture of this health hazard? And sadly so far there has been no sure shot for a diabetes treatment, and this is what makes the situation even worse. This is the reason why doctors always advise people who are at higher risk of facing this problem, to take some precautionary measures, in order to avoid this medical condition.

– Here is a look at some of those measures that you can adopt.

  • Eating habits – taking on healthy diet plans with the advice of a health professional, can be the best idea to safeguard your body from increased glucose levels. A Diet that is low in sweets and saturated fat, but at the same time has a higher fiber content is the perfect remedy for this purpose. This will also include altering your alcoholic drinking habits. Medical professionals suggest that more than two alcoholic drinks a day or evening may lead to unbalanced glucose levels, and increase the triglyceride content, therefore increasing the chances of developing Type 2 diabetes.
  • This condition is related to hormonal imbalance as well, this is the reason why diabetes problems and endocrinology are always closely related.
  • Lifestyle changes –A healthier lifestyle can help in improving the flow of hormones in your body. Carrying out light exercise such as a 20 minute walks in the park on alternate days can prove to be the perfect solution. In fact, any form of exercise, whether it is cycling, walking, jogging, or running, can prove to be of great help in reducing the risks of this terrible health problem.

The best way to ensure a healthy life is to be aware and stay updated about this medical problem, in order to prevent a recurrence of it later on, after your body has suffered from imbalanced blood glucose levels and diseases related to it.

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Eye opening facts about cardiovascular diseases!

Heart disease is one of the most common causes of fatalities all over the world. What makes this disease even more serious is the fact that it is fastly growing amongst younger age groups, with conditions like hypertension, obesity and stress becoming common amongst people from all age groups.

Below you will find some eye-opening cardiovascular disease facts and figures that will leave you shocked –

  1. The number one killer – CVD leaves all the other medical ailments far behind when it comes to number of deaths! It is the number one cause of deaths around the world. Statistical data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that in the year 2008, more than 30% of clinical deaths all across the globe (that is 17.3million) were due to CVD’s. If we have a look at the present scenario, then it is estimated that approximately 9.5millon people die every year due to heart diseases.
  2. The silent killer – Although, doctors can detect the signs of a heart disease with the help of various diagnostic techniques, unfortunately CVD’s still continue to grow, without even being noticed. This is one of the reasons why CVD’s are also known as the silent killers. The symptoms of a CVD may include; chest pain, breathlessness, fatigue, dizziness and palpitations, which in most cases people do not take seriously, unless a serious circumstance arises. This is one of the main reasons why CVD is becoming even more threatening.
  3. Women are at higher risk than men – Women are at lesser risk for heart disease before menopause; but after menopause their chances of heart disease increase. The reason behind this is due to the decrease in estrogen (a hormone) levels after menopause. Doctors dealing with cardiology and lipid research relate to shielding the heart from CVD’s and strokes. Also women, who use birth control pills, are at a higher risk as compared to those who do not.
  4. Education is the key – What makes this problem even worse is the fact that there is still not much awareness amongst people, about the devastating impact made by heart disease. The biggest reflection of this comes from the statistics that show more than 80% of the deaths caused due to CVD’s happen in middle and low income countries, where too many people are un-educated about heart disease.
  5. Isn’t this a really scary picture about heart disease?

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Things you must know about diabetes!

People believe that diabetes strikes as a result of high sugar intake! But it’s time you get rid of such myths so that you can live a healthier life.

Diabetes is caused when the pancreas stops functioning properly, and it doesn’t make enough insulin. But, since less consumption of sugar benefits you in different ways, you might want to continue consuming balanced amount of sugar.

There are two types of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is hereditary and is carried from one generation to the other. Though there is not much that one can do to avert it completely, managing your lifestyle can keep you from developing the disease.

Type 2 diabetes is completely lifestyle related. Eating junk food, alcohol intake, smoking, not enough rest, and stress can lead to developing diabetes.

Since most people don’t tend to understand the difference between the two types of the disease, and cannot make the necessary lifestyle changes in order to prevent this disease, diabetes education is really very important.

When you keep yourself well-monitored, chances are that this disease would not get a firm grip on you. And once you notice any associated symptoms of this disease, you can take the necessary precautions which shall help you in changing the situation in your benefit.

Obesity is another cause for a number of diseases including diabetes, which is one of the most serious diseases. It also leads to a number of other diseases such as osteoporosis in women, high blood pressure conditions, and cardiometabolic disorders and many other complications.

It’s time this disease is fought. By maintaining a stable body weight, you shall not only stave off the risk of diseases, but you shall be able to live life to its fullest.

Keeping in touch with a good physician or simply referring to health news through forums and portals, can be one of the best ways to educate yourself about the common healthcare trends so that you can maintain a sound body and mind. All you need to do is a thorough research and find out, which are the most suitable fitness options for you.

Moreover check out the daily updates on health, heart,cardiology and diabetes here at

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